Equipoise Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy located in Fort Lee, NJ
Post-surgical rehab can ensure your surgery is a success and speed your healing. The experts at Equipoise Physical Therapy can develop a customized rehab program that gets you moving again. Located in Jersey City, New Jersey, Equipoise Physical Therapy was founded by Dipty Mali, DPT, MBA, CKTP, who also serves as lead physical therapist for this busy practice. She is committed to providing one-on-one care that focuses on your needs. Schedule a visit at Equipoise Physical Therapy today. Call the office or book your visit online.
Post Surgery Rehabilitation Q & A
What are the benefits of post-surgical rehab?
Post-surgical rehab is often a vital part to the success of surgical treatment. It can:
- Improve circulation after surgery
- Improve posture, balance, and coordination
- Strengthen muscles weakened by lack of use before surgery
- Restore an appropriate gait
- Help with pain control
- Improve your flexibility
- Increase your stamina and overall fitness level
- Provide instruction regarding self-care and home exercise
A successful post-surgical rehab program focuses on your current condition as well as the goals you and your surgeon have outlined for your future fitness and mobility.
What surgeries require rehab?
Many surgical procedures can benefit from physical therapy. The most common programs developed at Equipoise Physical Therapy include rehab for:
- Knee replacement
- Shoulder surgery, such as rotator cuff repair
- Hip replacement
- Ankle surgery
- Bunion repair
Surgeries for back issues, hand and wrist problems, and other musculoskeletal issues also respond well to post-surgical rehab.
What kind of treatments should I expect during post-surgical rehab?
Dr. Mali works closely with your surgeon to develop a program that evolves at an appropriate pace as you heal.
The initial focus is typically pain control and management, gentle range of motion exercises, and therapeutic treatments such as heat to reduce stiffness and discomfort. Soon, your therapist will introduce strengthening exercises and other activities designed to improve your mobility and function.
Specific treatments often depend on the type of surgery performed. If you had total knee or hip replacement, for instance, your rehab program will provide training that helps you learn to walk again. Once that step is conquered, you may move on to more vigorous forms of exercise.
You can also expect a home exercise program designed to speed your healing and help prevent future injury. It’s important to follow instructions carefully since doing too much or too little at home can cause setbacks in your rehab process. Dr. Mali is happy to clarify your instructions or answer any questions you might have about your home program.
If you’re contemplating surgery or already require an effective post-surgical rehab program, call Equipoise Physical Therapy to schedule an appointment. Or use the convenient online scheduling tool to book your visit.