Archive for August, 2021

Most Cases Of Tennis Elbow Will Improve With Physical Therapy

Tennis is a great form of physical activity that works out many parts of the body due to its demanding dynamics, but just like every other sport, it also comes with a risk for injury. The most common injury in the sport is called lateral epicondylitis, which is often referred to as tennis elbow. Tennis […]

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Elbow Pain Is Common In Golfers Due To Repetitive Bending & Twisting

So far, we’ve been primarily focusing on repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) that result from performing the same movements regularly in one’s occupation. But sports—both as a profession and a recreational activity—typically require certain motions to be repeated as well, meaning they are yet another potential contributor to RSIs. For golfer’s, one of the most common […]

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A Physical Therapy Program Is Best For Nerve-Related Repetitive Strain

Our hands are the main tools that we use to navigate the world around us. Most—if not all—professions require some use of the hands to complete the task, whether that’s grooming dogs, typing at a computer, or trimming trees. Unfortunately, these repetitive motions can irritate and damage certain structures of the hand and wrist, as […]

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Repeating Same Movements Every Day Can Lead To Painful Symptoms

Throughout a typical day, you use your hands, wrists, and elbows almost constantly. From vigorously brushing your teeth in the morning, to switching the lights off before bed, and during just about every other action in between, these joints are frequently in a state of movement. But over time, performing certain tasks on a repetitive […]

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