If you’ve recently found yourself grabbing an item on a top shelf, reaching for something in the backseat of your car, or throwing an object of any sort, then you were also witnessing the grand capabilities of the shoulder joint. The shoulder is the only joint that can rotate a full 360°, which makes it […]
The shoulder is a rather incredible part of the human anatomy. As the most flexible and mobile joint in the body, the shoulder allows the arm to move in a wide range of directions, which is necessary for performing many of the dexterous tasks needed in daily life. Unfortunately, this extreme flexibility comes at a […]
The wrist is a complex joint where 15 different bones meet, each of which performs its own specific function. All of these bones play an important role, and if a problem or injury occurs in any one of them, it can affect the way that the entire wrist moves and functions. The radius is a […]
Hand or wrist pain can be a real nuisance. Because of the frequent use of these body parts, a significant portion of daily movements can result in pain and serve as a constant reminder of one’s condition. This situation can be made even worse when the very activities responsible for the pain—like using vibrating tools […]
Most people don’t realize just how much they rely on their hands and wrists until a problem arises. This is often the case for anyone with hand or wrist pain, which can turn many everyday activities into challenging tasks that require a strategy to overcome or complete avoidance in some cases. As a result, daily […]
The hands and wrists are one of the main tools that we use to navigate the world around us. Whether it’s driving to work, typing away on your computer, or picking up your child, the use of your hands and wrists is absolutely vital to your ability to function normally in everyday life. But this […]
Osteoarthritis currently affects as many as 31 million Americans, making it by far the most common of a group of conditions that are all generally referred to as “arthritis.” Although all types of arthritis affect the joints and lead to a similar set of symptoms, osteoarthritis stands out due to its high incidence and because […]
The term “arthritis” is used to describe more than 100 different conditions, all of which are defined by inflammation of one or more joints and a resulting set of bothersome symptoms. The exact cause in each case depends on what type of arthritis is present, but the common thread between them is a firm but […]
Few conditions are as well known to the general public as arthritis, which is probably because about 54 million Americans—or about 23% of the population—are currently affected by it. These figures could naturally be a bit alarming and lead some to wonder what their personal risk is for developing arthritis and if there’s anything they […]
Arthritis is one of the most commonly recognized conditions responsible for pain, and there’s a clear reason why: it happens to be one of the leading causes of disability throughout the world. Many people also tend to associate arthritis with older age, which can lead to the perception that it’s only something to worry about […]